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Fission #1 is out in the World

Uncategorised Posted on Sun, March 13, 2022 14:52:57

As I kind of expected Fission was released as an e-book to members of the BSFA late summer. They mentioned physical copies going to authors and that, after some delay, this is now underway. Due to Brexit, and the time it now takes for post to get from the UK to Sweden, I’m not surprised I have yet to receive my physical copy. Even the simple Christmas card my sister sent us seemed to have had a customs stop!

The good news is that the BSFA have now released Fission #1 as a paperback available on Amazon in UK, USA and Sweden. The links for US (which gets a nice picture of the cover) and the UK (which does not) are below. Searching Fission #1 on will also get you to it in Sweden:

UK link below

Meanwhile, I’ve submitted a story to Fission #2. Publication in the second issue is less likely because a) they are paying authors (so there will be much more competition) and b) the editor who liked and accepted my story for the first issue has stepped down and two new editors have stepped in.  I have learnt that so much of publication is finding an editor that likes your work, unless you’re clearly brilliant (which I am not). I’ve also submitted a very science orientated and short in length story to a US magazine.  Meanwhile novel revisions continue…

New story in Fission magazine

Uncategorised Posted on Sat, July 10, 2021 14:14:07

In my short fiction writing journey there’s some important news! My short story “The First and Last Safe Place” has been selected for the first issue of the British Science Fiction Association’s new fiction magazine, Fission. This magazine is intended to be an annual anthology of short fiction. Whilst I am still wrestling with my novel revisions, it’s a great encouragement to have a story selected by Allen Stroud, the editor of Fission who’s also the current Chair of the BSFA.  It’s a unique opportunity for my fiction to reach a much bigger audience than it has so far, so I am very grateful that Allen liked the story. The details of the publication (probably sent as a mailing to members), is still unclear, but I will update when I have more information.