I was reflecting on the short stories that have stayed with me long after I have read them. I decided to make a list and post them here. They are in no particular order. I do not claim they are the best stories I have read, though some are favourites. But for one reason or another they have stayed with me over the years. Many are really old and I didn’t necessarily read them when they came out. Much of my short story reading was based on books I found in the library. Several ‘Best of the Year’ by Terry Carr or Damon Knight’s Orbit anthologies Nebula or Hugo award winning collections. In fact, it was a pretty rich diet. When I finally did pick up an actual SF magazine, I was a bit disappointed that not all the stories were of the quality that I had read in these best of anthologies…

In the House of the Compassionate Sharers -Michael Bishop –sadly recently departed for pastures new

Little Iyla, Spider and Box – Paul McCauley –a great story from Interzone

Flowers for Algernon – Daniel Keys –the short story not the novel –Science Fiction rarely gets better than this

Xeelee Flower – Stephen Baxter

The Unconquered Country – Geoff Ryman –the best story I read in Interzone whilst I was a subscriber

The Eyelash Miracles -Gene Wolfe –the 1st story I read by Gene Wolfe that got me hooked

Trip, Trap -Gene Wolfe

The Island of Dr. Death and other Stories ­-Gene Wolfe

The Death of Dr. Island -Gene Wolfe

The Detective of Dreams -Gene Wolfe

The Sandkings – George RR Martin –when GRRM wrote science fiction

When Morning comes, Mistfall George RR Martin

Press Enter – John Varley

Sonnie’s Edge-Peter F Hamilton

Zima Blue – Alastair Reynolds great story, great animated interpretation on Netflix

The Big Front Yard -Clifford D. Simak

Desertion – Clifford D. Simak –this is my favourite SF story

The Beast that shouted Love at the heart of the World -Harlan Ellison

Repent Harlequin said the Tick tock man -Harlan Ellison

I have no mouth and I must scream -Harlan Ellison

Ender’s Game – Orson Scott Card –the original short story

The unaccompanied Sonata – Orson Scott Card

Nightfall – Isaac Asimov

I Robot – Isaac Asimov

The Star -Arthur C. Clarke

The ones who walk away from Omelas – Ursula K. Le Guin

The Word for World is Forest – Ursula K. Le Guin

The Day before the Revolution – Ursula K. Le Guin

Of Mist, Grass and Sand -Vonda McIntyre

The Screwfly Solution – James Tiptree Jr./ Alice Sheldon

The unpleasant profession of Jonathan Hoag – Robert A. Heinlein

By his Bootstraps – Robert A. Heinlein

Forms of things unknown – C S. Lewis

The Tin Soldier -Joan D. Vinge

The Merchant and the Alchemist’s gate -Ted Chiang my favourite Ted Chiang story

Stories of your life and others -Ted Chiang adapted as Arrival